The Most Important Service A Christian Can Do is to Present Christ to the Lost.
The Complete Witnessing Program prepares any Christian to confidently present the gospel to the lost.
Church Witnessing Set
Personal Witnessing Set
Witnessing Companion Book
Choose Christ and Everlasting Life!
This website is set up mainly to make a complete and comprehensive witnessing for Christ program available to both individual Christians and to Churches.
However, as Christians witness to the lost, they will encounter people that have never been to church and have never read the Bible. In the past two generations, there has been a great falling away from church attendance.
When you witness to these people, they have a difficult time grasping Christian concepts, and no understanding of God’s plan of salvation and redemption. It will be difficult to convince these people of their need for a Saviour, and the dire consequences of not accepting Christ.
The book Choose Christ and Everlasting Life was written for this type of person. We have to realize that it would be a monumental task for this person to pick up the Bible and make their way through it to understand Christian doctrine, their lost state, their need for a Saviour and what it means to be a Christian. This book is brief, containing only 114 pages that have been professionally proofread, edited and formatted. However, if you look at the contents page of this book that is provided on this website, you will understand that in this short book it provides a concise and clear picture of Christian doctrine, backed by easily understood verses of scripture.
It was the intent of the author to reach this type of person in a manner that they can understand and hopefully lead them to Christ. If you encounter this type of person, you would do well to make this book available to them.
Here is what I suggest:
When the individual Christian orders the Christian’s Personal Set of the Witnessing Program, you also order this book. Dependent on your finances, you can order several copies that you can gift to this type of person, or order one copy that you can loan to them. If your witnessing effort is not productive, you can either give them a copy of this book or loan them a copy, to be returned to you. A saved soul is worth the cost of the book.
I suggest that Churches, when they order the “Church/Pastor Set” of the Witnessing Program, that they also order from one to maybe five copies of this book (dependent on the size of the church) and maintain it in their library. Make the congregation aware of the existence of this book during the church’s witnessing training program. A member of the church can then check it out and loan it to a person that they are witnessing to, and return it to the church library when done.
—Iven V. Holt